Nutanix discoveries

Configure your API access

Cyberwatch requires API credentials to connect to your Nutanix instance. They consist in a user name and a password, along with the Nutanix endpoint.

You may configure your credentials from “Stored credentials” in the lateral menu, then clicking Add. In the form, select type Nutanix and fill in your credentials.

Create the discovery

  1. From Discoveries, click Add. Click Nutanix in the Local infrastructure category.
  2. Enter the name of the scan.
  3. Select optional groups that will be affected to the scan.
  4. Choose the source of the scan (the Cyberwatch machine that will run the operation).
  5. Using the Credentials selector, pick the Nutanix account registered in previous steps.
  6. Select the discovery mode in order to choose which information will be used to list the discovered assets.
  7. Choose a recurrence. The default value 0 days means the scan will be launched only once.
  8. Optional - Select an agentless mode connection credential.
  9. Click Confirm.

When created, the discovery is immediately started as a background task. You may check state of the task any time from Discoveries.

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