Advanced use of the cyberwatch command

This documentation explains how to use the advanced parameters of the cyberwatch command using environment variables.

All the following variables can be modified in two different ways:

  • Temporarily. By using the variable in the command line. For example, to make a backup in another folder:

     sudo CBW_BACKUP_DIR=/tmp/backups cyberwatch backup save
  • “Definitively” by adding or editing the configuration file of the Cyberwatch orchestrator located at /etc/cyberwatch/config.env (or defined by ${CBW_CONFIG_FILE})



Default: /etc/cyberwatch/config.env

Used to change the file containing all the parameters of the Cyberwatch orchestrator.


Default: /etc/cyberwatch

Used to change the directory containing all configuration files of the Cyberwatch orchestrator.

Editing this parameter can change the CBW_CERT_DIR variable.


Default: ${CBW_CONFIG_DIR}/certs

Used to change the storage directory of the certificates.


Default: /var/lib/cyberwatch/backups

Used to change the storage directory of backups. For more information on backups, visit Procedure to backup and restore Cyberwatch.


Default: false

Used to disable backup of the database. These backups are performed each time the Cyberwatch orchestrator is restarted. For more information on backups, visit Procedure to backup and restore Cyberwatch.


Default: /var/lib/cyberwatch/reports

Used to change the storage directory of reports generated with the cyberwatch report command.


Default: false

Used to enable/disable offline mode of the Cyberwatch orchestrator. For more information about offline administration, visit Offline administration guides.

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