Use the Cyberwatch agent
Add an asset in agent-based mode
- Click on Assets management > Assets
- Click on the “Add” button
- Select the platform on which the agent will be installed
- Follow the given procedure to complete the agent installation with the help of the right part of the page
Delete one or more agent(s)
- Click on Assets management > Assets
- Select the agents to be deleted
- Click on the “Bulk edit” button
- Click on the “Delete the selected agents” button and confirm the deletion
The default deletion mode deletes agents along with their assets, but keeps their API keys. If an agent starts communicating again with Cyberwatch, it will automatically be re-registered with a default configuration: its description and groups, among others, will have been reset. This deletion mode is mainly meant for agents that stopped communicating.
Agents can also be uninstalled by checking the “Uninstall the selected agents” box in the agent deletion confirmation dialog. In that case, agents will trigger the uninstallation process, and on success will be deleted from Cyberwatch along with their assets and API keys.
For more details on how the Cyberwatch agent works, consult documentation sections below:
List agent parameters and commands
List of Cyberwatch agent commands and parameters are detailed in its help and available by running following commands.
- On Unix:
cyberwatch-agent --help
- On Windows, from the agent installation directory (
C:\Program Files\CYBERWATCH SAS\CyberwatchAgent
by default):
./cyberwatch-agent.exe --help
As shown in the example output bellow, those commands will return a list containing available commands and parameters for the agent use:
> cyberwatch-agent --help
usage: cyberwatch-agent [-h] [-V] [-q] [-d] [--api-url URL] [--access-key-id KEY] [--secret-access-key KEY]
[--category CATEGORY] [--later] [--allow_selfsigned bool] [--proxy_enabled bool]
[--proxy_host URL] [--groups GROUPS]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program\'s version number and exit
-q, --quiet quiet output: print only errors
-d, --debug debug output
--api-url URL set api base url when registering
--access-key-id KEY set api access key id when registering
--secret-access-key KEY
set api secret access key when registering
--category CATEGORY set the category of the computer when registering
--later Register only the next time the agent starts
--allow_selfsigned bool
allow selfsigned certificates from the Cyberwatch server (default false)
--proxy_enabled bool enable proxy for Cyberwatch API requests (default false)
--proxy_host URL set the proxy for Cyberwatch API requests (https://username:password@host:port/ format)
--groups GROUPS set the server\'s groups by separating each one with a coma