Update Cyberwatch application and the orchestrator base on Kubernetes

This page describes how to update the Cyberwatch application and the orchestrator base on a Kubernetes Node.

Technical prerequisites

  1. Have an environment with Helm (version > 3.8.0) and Kubectl installed, configured to access the Kubernetes cluster

  2. The Helm configuration file values.yml used during the installation of Cyberwatch on the Kubernetes node

Update the Cyberwatch application and the orchestrator base

Be careful! The following command remove all deployments on the cyberwatch namespace. Please ensure that you do not have any personal deployments. The list of deployments on the node is available with the command kubectl -n cyberwatch get deployments.apps. The list of different expected cyberwatch services is available at: Description of each service

  1. Run the command to remove all deployments:

    for deployment in $(kubectl -n cyberwatch get deployments.apps -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do
      kubectl -n cyberwatch delete deployments.apps $deployment;
  2. Ensure that all pods are stopped:

    kubectl -n cyberwatch get pods
  3. Update the Helm chart, which will download the new Cyberwatch application images and the latest orchestrator base:

    helm -n cyberwatch upgrade oci://harbor.cyberwatch.fr/cbw-on-premise/cyberwatch-chart -f values.yml 

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