Update the base of the orchestrator Swarm

This page describes the procedure to update the Cyberwatch stack configuration folder for setups without satellite.

Various checkpoints are present in this procedure. If any of these checkpoints are not met, contact Cyberwatch support.


  • Docker with version is greater or equal to 23.0.6. It is recommended to have the latest version of docker
  • HTTPS requests toward dl.cyberwatch.fr and harbor.cyberwatch.fr are allowed

Update Docker

For Debian based machines:

apt update
apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin

For Red Hat based machines:

yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin

Link to Docker online documentation

Checkpoint: check the docker version with the command

docker version

Update the orchestrator base

  1. Before any other operation, update the Cyberwatch application with the standard procedure

  2. Verify that packet cyberwatch is installed:

    sudo cyberwatch version

    If the command does not exist, migrate cbw-on-premise to 5.X.

  3. Else, update the package

    For Debian-based distributions:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install cyberwatch

    For Red Hat based distributions:

    sudo dnf install cyberwatch

Migrate from orchestrator base v2.X to v5.X (deprecated)

Migration of the orchestrator from version 2.X to version 5.X is no longer supported. A re-installation of Cyberwatch is required. Do not hesitate to contact Cyberwatch technical support for any information.

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