Use HashiCorp Vault for agentless connections

Prerequisites on your HashiCorp Vault

  • You must configure the Vault with the following parameters:
    • Type: Key/Value(KV)
    • Engine version: Version 1
  • You need to configure your secrets with the following format:
    • Vault root
      • Name of the secret engine
        • Account name
          • Login (field “login”)
          • Password (field “password”)
          • SSH key (field “ssh_key”)
        • […]

Configure a HashiCorp Vault

  1. Click on Settings > Stored credentials
  2. Click Add in the top right corner
  3. Select type HashiCorp Vault and fill in the form
  4. Save

Create an agentless connection with HashiCorp Vault

  1. Click on Assets management > Agentless connections
  2. Click on Add
  3. In “Access protocol”, select SSH or WinRM
  4. Select as Credentials your HashiCorp Vault configured as above
  5. In the “Login” field, enter the account path stored on HashiCorp Vault with “secret_engine_name/account_name” format, regarding the targeted asset

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